women's labor participation

The impact of the pandemic reduced the progress of women in the gender gap by two years, according to the Gender Gap report.

The female labor participation rate today is historically low in most sectors.

The least affected industries are:

  • Software and information technology services
  • Financial services
  • Medical care
  • Manufacturing

However, this has not prevented the female situation in leadership positions from being considerably reduced, reaching 28% and 31%.

It must also be taken into account that the more women grow in organizations, the greater the wage gap they experience becomes, which ranges from 7% in basic positions 22% in management positions.

The new Jobs that  were affected by digitization as a consequence of the pandemic have not received any support in relation to this issue, since female participation fell by .1% compared to last year, in fact, there are greater problems of female representation and the gender gap as we emerge from the pandemic.

In our country, out of every ten engineers, only two are women, implying that of the 737 thousand engineering professionals, only approximately 20% are women.

The New York Times talks about this phenomenon with the term “glass ceiling” that refers to the formal and informal barrier that prevents women from having a profesional development that is obtained y the male gender, especially in positions of hierarchy, which it’s effectively reflected in society in general.

This is why companies are asked to hire base don talent rather gender, achieving with this act the way for inclusión, and thus reduce the phenomenon of the “glass ceiling”, recognizing itand taking action on the matter.

Today, Covid 19 has erased many of the advances in terms of female participation in Mexico, which had been achieved relatively over the las fifteen years, which was reduced in 2020 to 40.7% (belox of the 42.63% reported in the global crisis of 2009) whose position of 45% was in 2019.



Gerardo Hernández 10 de junio de 2021, 07:48, Horas, H. R. A. J. P., Horas, H. R. A. J. P., Horas, H. R. S. I. E. F. E. F. P. Y., Por Redacción El Economista Hace 3 horas, B., G., B., G., B., B., L., & G. (2021, 11 junio). Crisis por la covid-19 mermó la contratación de mujeres en puestos de liderazgo. El Economista.

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